Have To Repair or Rebuild Your Home Due To Hurricane Sandy-Buy American Made only Building Products and Keep Americans Working

Have To Repair  or Rebuild Your Home Due To Hurricane Sandy-Want To Buy American Made only Building Products and Keep   Americans  Working



Homeowners if you were affected by Hurricane Sandy and will have to either repair or rebuild your home lets try to use American made only products and keep our fellow residents working in our regional homegrown businesses.  It has been noted that if every U.S builder used just 5 percent of U.S. made products about 200,000 jobs would be created.  For a complete list of American companies -manufactures/suppliers  products by states  read more at      Building  American Homes With American Made Products




Brooklyn Real Estate Home Buyers

– interest rates are at an all time low and there are many Brooklyn Real Estate properties available.

Brooklyn Real Estate Home owners

If you are Thinking of  Selling Your  Brooklyn Real Estate property and you need an  agent who will give you personal service, give your home maximum exposure and get it sold call me.  Call me,  for a Free Market Analysis of your Brooklyn New York Home. 

Not ready to buy yet and looking for a Brooklyn apartment to rent, call me.


Thinking of buying , selling or renting Brooklyn Real Estate feel free to call me


Michele Cadogan,SFR



Fillmore real Estate

Brooklyn Real Estate

Brooklyn New York

Licensed Real Estate Associate Broker

Brooklyn New York Neighborhoods

About Cadogan's Brooklyn Real Estate Blog

Michele Cadogan is a Brooklyn NY real estate professional . She makes the process of buying, renting and selling real estate in Brooklyn a good experience. A long time Flatbush Brooklyn resident, she has a tremendous appreciation of the borough, its great history and its diverse communities. With a degree in Political Science and Economics she brings a balance perspective to the your real estate experience. Truly a professional in a people oriented business. When looking for a real estate agent in Brooklyn to help you buy or sell a home in Brooklyn , call Michele. Michele Cadogan Fillmore Real Estate Licensed Real Estate Associate Broker 917-861-9166 Your Brooklyn Real Estate Professional
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